Place and Places

Have you ever thought about just how important LARGE numbers are? Why do we need to know how to read , write , use, and compare them? Why is it important to know how to think about them? Today, we explored these and other questions.

How Much is a Million?

As we continue to investigate large numbers, we will be using the following document to guide our discussions and reflections.

Math Journal: Place Value 1

One practical use of large numbers is related to population. Focusing on our region of South, East, and Southeast Asia and Oceania, students used population maps to identify cities with populations over one million (1,000,000). Add your findings to our class Pondering Population padlet.


If you want to exercise your brain, you might be interested in exploring the graphs, charts, and maps in The World’s Cities in 2016 – United Nations Data Booklet.

  • How are large numbers used in this booklet?
  • How do the representations better help you understand population around the world?

Another interesting resource you might like to explore is this interactive world population density map.


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