World Read Aloud Day

Today, we celebrated the gift of reading. For the first portion of our day, we enjoyed reading to someone. Some chose to read with a partner, while others opted to read with larger groups. Bundled in blankets, books in hand, lines and circles and bunches of readers dug into their self-selected read alouds creating a delightful din.

At the end of the day, we were treated to a read aloud from the other side of the world. Ms. Vandiver, the librarian at Blanton Elementary joined us via Skype to read Clever Jack Takes the Cake by Candace Fleming. While the connection was a tad crackly, the marvelous message came through clearly. We are grateful to Ms. Vandiver for her willingness to share the gift of a story with us and for her patience and persistence with the technology.

To learn more about literacy rates around the world visit:

UNESCO eAtlas of Literacy

World by Map

The World Factbook

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