Making the Most of Monday

As is our routine, we began our week with a new list of words. Our discussion of the words today allowed us to elaborate not only spelling patterns but also on big ideas related to math and social studies. What ideas come to your mind when you see this week’s words? Jot down your thinking in the padlet below. (Be sure to include your secret agent number and initials with your comment.)

Made with Padlet

Before heading to the library, we revisited our work with parts of speech and spent time adding to and revising our list or words related to our break. Finding homonyms, homographs, and homophones that fit was especially tricky. We also learned, on Google Classroom, how to “TURN IN” our documents by clicking on the “TURN IN” button in the top right corner of the document. We’re aiming for 100% completion of the recent assignments.

At library, we had an opportunity to browse the collection and check out some fresh reading material. Then, Ms. Kraft invited us to give feedback on the library. Please share your ideas by completing the Google Form below.

In music, we continued to work on composing our own songs. After writing the lyrics, which required a verse, refrain, and bridge. we are now working on composing the music using Garageband. We are grateful to Mrs. Fischer for letting us use Third Grade’s iPads for this project.

This afternoon, we practiced badminton at P.E. and had an opportunity to share our activities in French. We were excited to Madame Eale back today.

To finish out the day, we reviewed our work with decimals from Friday. Because we had a few more people today, we were excited to see some more growth mindset in action. Sure enough, a few mistakes were made, and… we learned from them. We then began to extend our thinking about decimals by connecting our hundreds grid to a number line. Then next step is to connect that to measurement. In our grid books today, we made a multiple source by creating and coloring the hundreds grid and then creating and labeling a number line. In both cases, we identified the whole as 1 meter and each square as a centimeter because 100 centimeter equals 1 meter. Another way to say it is 1 centimeter is 1/100 (one hundredth) of a meter. We will work on this concept more tomorrow, but you are welcome to check our Everyday Math Lesson 3.11 for more information and practice today.




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