Goals, Growth, Grid Book, and… Gratitude

We had another fast and furious Monday.

Our discussion about our vocabulary was filled with questions, comments, and connections about the meanings, relationships, and spelling patterns. All of these details are valuable. Please add to the padlet with your own ideas and resources.

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Instead of continuing our read aloud of Tua and the Elephant today, we spent some time reflecting on ourselves as learners and on our learning habits. We then set some goals as we head into the last quarter of fourth grade. This will help us focus our learning and target our areas for growth as fifth grade approaches.

During library, we divided our time between D.E.A.R. time, which we all appreciate, and an assessment on how to use the card catalog – destiny.tasok.net After a couple weeks of practice, students had the opportunity to show off their searching skills by entering a keyword, title, or author; writing the call number; locating the book on the shelf, and verifying the find with Ms. Kraft. While we still have a bit of work to do with certain sections of the library (genrefied fiction, especially), we are definitely showing growth.

Today was our last session of swimming before the swim gala on Friday. Since the swim gala is a culmination of all our hard work throughout our swim season, we trust our moms and dad will be able to come see us splash around and celebrate our strokes.

This afternoon, after a series of specials, we returned to the room to analyze angles. We talked about turns (a.k.a. rotations), portions of a circle (quarter, half, three-quarter, full / whole), and connections to the clock. We also referenced our benchmarks of 90, 180, 270, and 360 degrees. The connections being made seemed almost endless.

The finale of our day was a birthday celebration. Kyle’s mom joined us with a colorful cake and juice. We greatly appreciated this opportunity to celebrate a special young man!



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