The Delivery

Today was THE day we have been waiting for ALL week.

After securing permission from Ms. Paula and Ms. Peacock, it was determined that 10:00 a.m. and 11:15 a.m. were prime times for introducing our survey to our school community.

Prior to heading into other classrooms, though, we took time to practice in our pairs and present to the class. Each group walk through the entire process, including knocking politely on the door and getting permission to make a presentation.

After each presentation, our peers offered feedback on what we still needed to work on to ensure our delivery was as clear and professional as possible. Volume, eye contact, and modeling were all areas were needed to work on a bit more before venturing out.

In response to feedback, students took a bit more time to make adjustments. Before long, though, it was time to head out for our first appointment in the elementary school. The risk-takers were ready!

As was anticipated, some groups encountered a few problems because the students were in specials, but in true problem solving style, each scholarly pair managed to arrange another time to return and share the information.

Our second round in secondary school resulted in similar challenges, as students were scheduled for tutorials. Once again, though, scholarly problem solvers either made individual presentations to teachers or planned to return at a later time.

Now comes the hardest part… waiting for the results. We will return next Friday to pick up the packets. We can’t wait to see what the most serious and most frequent problems are at TASOK. Even more interesting will be… who are the most helpful problem solvers!

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