Place Value Detectives

In our pursuit to better understand place value, we have been adding a number of tools and strategies to our repertoire – the place value chart, the place value flip chart, base ten blocks, expanded form, expanded notation, and word form.

For extra practice at home, you might want to try to create this DIY place value cup set.

DIY Place Value Cups

As you use these at home, don’t forget to think about how each PLACE relates to each other PLACE. Think, too, about how VALUES change, even when digits don’t.

Place Value Challenge

7,463, 742, 632

  • How would you SAY this number? (Don’t forget the comma whisperer.)
  • How would you WRITE this number in word form?
  • How would you write this number using EXPANDED FORM?
  • How would you write this number using EXPANDED NOTATION?
  • What do you notice about the digits in this number? How do they relate to one another?
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