Today, unlike the rest of the week, we began with a bit of a break from teaching.
Some scholars started their day SUPER excited about participating in the swim meet. With swim suits, swim caps, googles, and towels in hand, the set of seven swimmers headed up to the pool, where they got to see their names freshly and proudly painted on a brightly colored sign.
After French, the rest of our curious crew ventured over to MS4 where we got to see some thinkers and problem solvers in action. Grade 8 students have been working on an inquiry into structures and bridges. Part of their assessment was to design a Rube Goldberg machine. This was a great connection to our unit of inquiry! During our short time in the room, we witnesses several groups of students testing our their machines. Some did not work at first, but students engaged in collaborative problem solving and persisted until solutions were found.
Multiple Source
Back in the room, after recess, we shared a read aloud of the book Rube Goldberg’s Simple Normal Humdrum School Day by Jennifer George. We are grateful to Mr. Hopkins for letting us borrow the book.
From MS4, we wandered over to the pool to support our classmates. We found a spot in the shade and cheered on the swim meet participants. It was so exciting to see all the bucket-filling happening on the sidelines and amongst the swim team members. High fives and hugs abounded.
Thank you to the parents who came to help with time keeping and bucket-filling. Your support was beyond appreciated.
After the meet, swimmers jingled and jangled their way to the lunch room, most wearing medals for their efforts during today’s swim meet. Congratulations!
Podium photo credit: Ms. Paula
This afternoon was spent in the CAC for our final practice before this afternoon’s assembly. With the collaborative story complete, many students received new lines that they had to practice and present. We also added some props – the cushions from the library that Ms. Kraft kindly let us borrow. Students were extremely focused during this afternoon’s practice and shared a very professional presentation this afternoon. Ms. Kraft commented afterwards about how impressed she was that each speaker had taken the feedback shared yesterday and made noticeable adjustments. What a wonderful way to show growth and development as learners and leaders.
The following photos are credited to Ms. Paula. Thank you for sharing!
When our assembly was over, students jumped right in to clean up. Script cards, library books, and red cushions all got whisked away with hardly any direction at all. True leaders!
Check out the Prezi that accompanied our assembly presentation.
You can also view our script cards.
Feedback from Teachers
I just wanted to thank you for the huge amount of work you and your students have put into this week. It was a really special experience for the 4th graders to lead our learning, and the children really enjoyed it. I worked with my class today to write a final poem and most of them were able to include aspects such as rhyme, alliteration, similes and descriptive language. Many thanks to your students for introducing us to these! (I’ve put our posters back in your classroom. If your 4th graders wanted to see them next week they’d be very welcome!)
Today’s assembly was lovely too. Your students spoke with such clarity and confidence.
Thanks so much!
Rae Cordon
Grade 1 Homeroom Teacher
A huge thank you goes out to your Grade 4 students who have spent the past four days with us. Their time has been hugely appreciated and they have taken it very seriously. They have all acted their age and shown courage and independence. In particular, Alex was a great coordinator and team leader.
Well done Grade 4’s.
Tommy Sheldrick
K1 Homeroom Teacher