As readers, we all have EXPECTATIONS about what will and will not happen in a text. EXPECTATIONS are similar to predictions, conjectures, presumptions, and hopes. These EXPECTATIONS are based on what we know about various genres.

In an effort to systematically address these EXPECTATIONS and analyze text, we added another tool to our literary tool belt… the literary analysis triangle. In order to better grasp the purpose and meaning of each level, we used the analogy of a grocery store. While still in the introductory phases of understanding and using the literary analysis triangle, students exceeded EXPECTATIONS as they began to analyze the poem “Giving Trees.”

We also continued building our collection of landforms, in preparation for our personal landform research and collaborative landform dictionary.


Challenge of the day…

Can you identify this type of landform? (Hint: It has a funny-sounding name.)







To conduct your own landform research, use the links on the Online Resources > Social Studies > SS Links page.

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