Homework for October 23-27

  1. Spelling: My Growing Self – Unit 4 (Due Thursday)
  2. Read for at least 30 minutes each night. Complete online reading log or on paper.
  3. Explore some lessons on IXL.com and / or Khan Academy in the following areas:
    • Number Sense
    • Place Value & Rounding
    • Addition (with regrouping)
    • Subtraction (with regrouping)
  4. Optional: Enter the Congo Week Competition. (Due Thursday)
    • Student leadership has created a Congo Week Competition. If you are up to the challenge,  submit any product you  create throughout the week. This could be artwork, essays, creative writing pieces, or poetry that aligns with the theme of the week – DIVERSITY.

**Check back later in the week for additional homework related to in class discussions and activities

Diversity of Diversity

As I was preparing to add some images of weathering, erosion, deposition, and landforms, I came across the following images on EduBlog’s Featured Posts.

Just like Bill Nye used the games of Jenga and Pick Up Sticks to the illustrate the interconnected nature of ecosystems and the importance of biodiversity, how could each of these images illustrate an important aspect of DIVERSITY?













Use the form to share your thoughts on each image.

The Diversity of Diversity

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