Shocks at all the Socks (and shoes and shirts and skirts…) in the Box

In less than 24 hours, something quite serious has spread throughout our classroom. Student after student has contracted an incredibly contagious condition… caring! After being exposed to an expressed need by only a few fifth grade students, fourth grade scholars have come down an extreme case of excitement. With feverish fervor, they have combed through their closets and scoured their shelves, searching for some garments to share. Early this morning, students bounded from their beds, and, bearing bags and boxes, braved the traffic to bestow their belongings to someone who needed them more. As other students started to arrive, they approached the already amazing amount of attire with awe.


When the fifth grade students came to take the temperature of the task, they were shocked and speechless… off-the-charts.


The germs of generosity are alive and well in fourth grade. May they continue to spread in support of Stand Proud!

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